Friday, September 30, 2005

The Book

Woo-hoo! My Trisha Biggar costume book, Dressing a Galaxy, is here. Actually, it arrived last week; but after a brief look and show-and-tell for Scott (he was suitably impressed, and recommended I keep it under glass), I put it away. Too many pressing projects with deadlines for me to enjoy it this week. I'm too tired to describe it now, but you can see a few pics of my copy here and details on the special edition contents at the title link above.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Blouse from Hell

That's seven--count 'em, seven--panels on the lower half; plus the three pieces on top, sleeves, facings, and extension for a total of nineteen pieces on one tiny little blouse! So you can see why matching the plaid was such a frustrating experience! I would still recommend Simplicity 5059, just not a plaid fabric! Once we got it fitted it went together pretty easily, and it covers a lot of different techniques for an advanced beginner (dare I name myself such?) or intermediate sewer to learn.

Incidentally, the buttons came from a gallon jar of buttons that belonged to Scott's grandmother, which his mother gave me (along with a couple of nifty vintage tools) when I got more involved in sewing. Tina, Ramona and I spent a class morning sifting through the jar and finding great buttons for our projects!

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Beginningsewing Community

I started a LiveJournal account so I could keep up with my friends, comment on their journals and check out the communities. Already found one I like:

beginningsewing - Community Info

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Odds and ends

Took care of a lot of little things I've been putting off today. I ordered patterns and swatches for just about every project I have planned between now and November 1 (which is not getting any further away the more I procrastinate). I think I got some good patterns I can work with: a Green Pepper jumpsuit and Jalie insulated vest for Hoth Leia, and a Suitability jodhpur specifically designed for woven (non-stretch) fabric to complete the Imperial Officer (which is still in the mock-up stage). Tina at The Rain Shed was especially helpful, asking specifically about my project so she could send the most appropriate swatches. She didn't even laugh when I explained I wanted to make a costume that looks like a snowsuit, but isn't insulated because I live in FLORIDA. She did make some excellent suggestions; I really hope they have what I want, because I just love to buy from people like that!

Also put the buttons on the plaid Blouse from Hell, and I must say, it turned out really cute! All that's left is the hem. I'll get someone to take a pic and post it soon. In retrospect, this would actually be a good pattern for someone to learn a lot of different techniques in one project: interfacing, facings, sleeves, understitching, extensions/underlap, gathering, fitting, pressing and serging all those little seams... As long as you're not on a deadline and you use a fabric withOUT nap, I recommend it!