The Blouse from Hell
That's seven--count 'em, seven--panels on the lower half; plus the three pieces on top, sleeves, facings, and extension for a total of nineteen pieces on one tiny little blouse! So you can see why matching the plaid was such a frustrating experience! I would still recommend Simplicity 5059, just not a plaid fabric! Once we got it fitted it went together pretty easily, and it covers a lot of different techniques for an advanced beginner (dare I name myself such?) or intermediate sewer to learn.
Incidentally, the buttons came from a gallon jar of buttons that belonged to Scott's grandmother, which his mother gave me (along with a couple of nifty vintage tools) when I got more involved in sewing. Tina, Ramona and I spent a class morning sifting through the jar and finding great buttons for our projects!
Update: I'm removing the "from hell" from this blouse's name... it's the airiest and most comfortable top in my closet right now! Plus, I just washed it for the first time, and fresh out of the dryer there wasn't a wrinkle on it!
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